





主题:seo时候小心统计代码被搜索引擎当成恶意代码 [收藏主题]  
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55hl 发表于:2008/11/10 15:09:00   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 楼主 
[BR]According to our review of your website, your site contains a potentially damaging exploit.  For example, the source code for  www.topmp5.com  contains the following suspicious code:
[BR] <scriptlanguage='JavaScript'charset='gb2312'type='text/javascript'src='http://www7.itsun.com/count.php?uuid=1766027&style=icon'>&lt;/script>
[BR]This type of code may allow parties other than yourself to load content onto user's computers via your website. In such a case, simply visiting your site would cause users to become infected by malware, spyware, or other badware that is loaded from a remote site. In addition, the party that placed the code on your site could inject additional code onto your site with potentially undesireable consequences.  Even if your site is not currently distributing badware (for example, if the site that the code is pointing to is not currently "live"), your site has the potential to become a distributor of badware at any time due to the exploit noted above. Because of this continuing danger, Google will not be removing the warning page for your site at this time.
[BR]We strongly recommend removing any code that is currently or has the potential to distribute badware and securing your site against future code injections. Otherwise, it is likely that your website will be hacked again. If your site has been hacked, then simply removing injected code from your site is not enough. You will also need to work with your hosting provider or website administrator to fix all security vulnerabilities associated with your site.
[BR]We have created a webpage that has tips for webmasters on how to clean and secure their websites at http://stopbadware.org/home/security.  Please read this page to find out how to find, remove, and prevent badware appearing on your website.  We recommend paying special attention to the sections on Hacking Attacks.  We also have answers to commonly asked questions from site owners who are the subject of Google warnings at  http://stopbadware.org/home/faq#partnerwarnings.
[BR]Once you have secured your site, removed any traces of badware or bad code, and discontinued linking to any sites that install badware, you may submit another request for review and we will retest your site.
[BR]The StopBadware Team
[BR]英文好的朋友就肯定会发现,itsun的统计代码被认为是具有恶意传播病毒的代码,oh,my god!妈呀
[BR]中国数据武汉办事处www.55hl.com  竭诚为您服务
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