有啥啊 还不告诉!小气 需要的看下面:
select top {$Param(0)} ID,FolderName from KS_Class where TN='{$Param(1)}' order by FolderOrder
[loop={$Param(0)}]<li><a href="{$Field(id,GetInfoUrl,100,1)}">{$Field(foldername,Text,0,...,0,)}</a></li>[/loop]
二级栏目 ID 栏目名称 SUMM
SELECT id, foldername,(select count(*) from ks_article where tid=ks_class.id) as ssum from ks_class where channelid=1 and tj=2 union all SELECT id, foldername,(select count(*) from ks_photo where tid=ks_class.id) as ssum from ks_class where channelid=2 and tj=2
<a href='{$Field(id,GetInfoUrl,100,1)}'>
栏目 ID 名称 SSUM
SELECT id, foldername,(select count(*) from ks_article where tid=ks_class.id) as ssum from ks_class where channelid=1 and tj=1 union all SELECT id, foldername,(select count(*) from ks_photo where tid=ks_class.id) as ssum from ks_class where channelid=2 and tj=1
<a href='{$Field(id,GetInfoUrl,100,1)}'>
评论调用 更新时间 ID CONTENT 自动编号 INFOID 用户名
select AddDate,ChannelID,Content,ID,InfoID,UserName from KS_Comment
<li>{$Field(UserName,Text,6,0,0,网友)}: <a href="{$Field(channelid,Num,0,2)}&ClassID={$Field(classid,Num,0,2)}&InfoID={$Field(infoid,Num,0,2)}">{$Field(content,Text,46,...,0,)}</a> {$Field(AddDate,Date,MM-DD)}</li>