Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 错误 '800a005e' 无效使用 NUll :'CInt'
\admin\KS.Article.asp,line 578
Sub showContent(SQL)
With Response
For I=0 To Ubound(SQL,2)
If CInt(SQL(5,I)) = 1 Then
TypeStr = "图文"
TypeStr = "普通"
End If
AttributeStr = ""
If SQL(7,I) = 1 Or SQL(8,I) = 1 Or SQL(9,I) = 1 Or SQL(10,I) = 1 Or SQL(11,I) = 1 Or SQL(12,I) = 1 Then
If SQL(7,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & (" <span title=""推荐" & KS.C_S(ChannelID,3) & """ style=""cursor:default""><font color=""green"">荐</font></span> ")
If SQL(8,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & ("<span title=""热门" & KS.C_S(ChannelID,3) & """ style=""cursor:default""><font color=""red"">热</font></span> ")
If SQL(9,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & ("<span title=""今日头条"" style=""cursor:default""><font color=""#0000ff"">头</font></span> ")
If SQL(10,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & ("<span title=""滚动" & KS.C_S(ChannelID,3) & """ style=""cursor:default""><font color=""#F709F7"">滚</font></span> ")
If SQL(11,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & ("<span title=""幻灯片" & KS.C_S(ChannelID,3) & """ style=""cursor:default""><font color=""black"">幻</font></span>")
IF SQL(12,I) = 1 Then AttributeStr = AttributeStr & ("<span title=""固顶" & KS.C_S(ChannelID,3) & """ style=""cursor:default""><font color=""brown"">固</font></span>")
AttributeStr = "---"
End If