Function GetNewFresh()
Dim RS:Set RS=Conn.Execute("Select top 1 f.*,u.userface from KS_BlogInfo f inner join KS_User u on f.username=u.username Where f.UserName='" & UserName &"' and f.status=0 and f.istalk=1 Order By f.id Desc")
If RS.Eof And RS.Bof Then
RS.Close :Set RS=Nothing
GetNewFresh="<strong>新鲜事:</strong><a href='" & KS.GetSpaceUrl(userid) & "'>" & UserName & "</a>没有说出自己最近的新鲜事,<a href='" & KS.GetDomain& "space/?" &userid & "/fresh'>随便说几句</a>!"
Exit Function
Dim KSR:Set KSR=New Refresh
GetNewFresh="<strong><a href='" & KS.GetSpaceUrl(userid) & "'>" & UserName & "</a>说:</strong>" & KSR.ReplaceEmot(rs("content")) & " <a href='" & KS.Setting(3)& "space/?" & userid & "/log/" & RS("ID") & "'>评论(<span style='color:#ff6600'>" & RS("TotalPut") & "</span>)</a>"
Set KSR=Nothing
End If
RS.Close :Set RS=Nothing
End Function
Function GetNewFresh()
Dim RS:Set RS=Conn.Execute("select top 1 b.id,a.userid,a.username,a.transtime,a.msg,b.adddate,b.copyfrom,b.note,b.cmtnum,b.username as busername,b.userid as buserid,b.transnum,a.type,a.id as rid from ks_userlogr a left join ks_userlog b on a.msgid=b.id where a.status=1 and a.userid=" & userid & " order by a.id desc")
If RS.Eof And RS.Bof Then
RS.Close :Set RS=Nothing
GetNewFresh="<strong>广播:</strong><a href='" & KS.GetSpaceUrl(userid) & "'>" & UserName & "</a>没有广播消息,<a href='" & KS.GetDomain& "user/weibo.asp'>广播大厅</a>!"
Exit Function
Dim KSR:Set KSR=New refresh
GetNewFresh="<strong><a href='" & KS.GetSpaceUrl(userid) & "'>" & UserName & "</a>说:</strong>" & KSR.ReplaceEmot(rs("note")) & " <a href='" & KS.Setting(3)& "user/weibo.asp?userid=" & userid & "'>转播(<span style='color:#ff6600'>" & RS("transnum") & "</span>)</a>"
Set KSR=Nothing
End If
RS.Close :Set RS=Nothing
End Function